This post will remain in top position on April 25
Blog Village Quarterly Carnival
Family Memories . . .
April 28, 2008
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DEADLINE April 25, 2008 Midnight
This Quarter's BLOG VILLAGE Carnival is focusing on FAMILY MEMORIES and will be hosted on Dirty Butter's
Please help publicize this carnival. You do not have to be a member to submit a carnival entry. Just link to the blog of a member of Blog Village and follow the rules (below).So, how about sharing stories of your childhood, or maybe how you met your spouse. Does your family have special bonding rituals? Do you have some "strange" family members who help to make your family unique? How about sharing lessons you've learned from past generations. Are you into genealogy? Does your family story include adoption, blended families, or divorce? You name it - if it has to do with your family, past or present, we'd love for you to share.
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Click the banner to ENTER the carnival.
Feel to copy this picture for your blog!
DEADLINE April 25, 2008 Midnight
Carnival will be online on April 28, 2008
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Rules1. Blog MUST belong EITHER to a BLOG VILLAGE member OR link directly TO a BLOG VILLAGE Blog.
2. Only 1 entry per blog.
3. Only English language posts will be accepted.
4. No posts with titles, or with pictures, containing profanity, or of a sexual or suggestive nature, will be accepted.
5. Choose MEMBER or GUEST from the Categories, and put the required information in the REMARKS.GUESTS of Villagers must submit the URL of the BLOG VILLAGE blog they are linked TO for your entry to be eligible for consideration.
VILLAGERS need to enter their MEMBER NUMBER in the REMARKS.