Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day

Remember the fallen warriors on Memorial Day. Stop what you are doing at 3PM (local time) and remember the ones that fought and died for us.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Update on CyberCelt's Health

Dear Blog Villagers:

My disease progresses slowly. I seem to have hit a plateau from which I may build myself back up. I have sworn off traditional medicine and am using natural supplements and amino acids and peptides.

I need to know what the members wish to do with this list. When I took over, I was gung-ho, but never rec'd any feedback from members.

With my health being what it is, I am screening new applicants about once a month.  Most of those accepted do not have a banner. I am waiting to see who is active before I make any more banners.

If there is something you would like to do with the list, like carnival, group writing package, critiques, reviews, advertising--I am open to anything sensible.  Use that Kontactr button and tell me what you have in mind.

I cannot run this list by myself as I have been.  If there is no more participation by the list, I think I will have to walk away from it.  Life is precious to spend it doing something no one appreciates.



Just a Wish for All Mothers in the World

To all the mothers out there and present only in our memories. 

To all mothers, regardless of religion, creed or nationality.

To all mothers in the animal kingdom struggling to live and raise a family.

Happy Mother's Day!


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