For Your Success presents
It's all about Family!Family photograph courtesy of The Family, McCune {Machione}
November, 1928
Welcome Guests!
Dirty Butter - YESTERDAY'S MEMORIES of a Bygone Time - Determine Not To Have An Only Child
Kilroy_60 - Fear And Loathing - The Gonzo Papers - A Father's Day Thought
Eric - Eric Has Issues - Mondays True Story IV
Janey Loree - Heartfelt Notes - Up With The Top Or I'm Not Going...
Barb - Skittles Place - Why I Have Gray Hair
Heather - Beautiful British Columbia - Does Your Family Smore?
Chara - Zero To Gourmet - here's to staying blue-jean ready
Red Dirt Girl - Red Dirt Girl - My Childhood Family
Sparksfley - Sparks And Butterflies - Mom
Ruth - Me, My Life, My Garden - FAMILY - A Blogvillage Goes Gonzo Post
Chelle & Chel - She Says It's Pretty Dumb - Mother-Daughter Communication
John Holland - altjiranga mitjina - Thursday Thirteen #8: Christmas Pictures
Random Encounters - Random Encounters of We - On Broadway in New York City
SweetSwede - In His Steps - Family of God
LJP - Save Save Save - AVIS Messes With Family Catch Up
Kim Banks - Blog Fabulous - Is Cooking The Secret of a Good Marriage?
CyberCelt - Texas RV Travel Blog - Do It For The Family
sarala - blogaway - Did you like your kid today?
Oh, The Joys - Oh, The Joys - Little Brother
Anthony - The Lives and Times... of Anthony McCune - Welcome Blog Post Number 99
Emma Noelle - Wiping Up Snot - Grandparents' Rights To The Family
jillbeth - The Broken Cup: Christian Poetry - A Child's Plea
Sue and Matthew - One Big Green Bus - The Whole Story {By Request!}
Joseph Potocny - Living With Alzheimers - What A Past 24 Hours
Eli - Almost Here - Jewels
Zorak163 - Grasshopper Ramblings - Create A Family
KBaggott - Babylune - Parenthood Can Be Danerous
Thomas Karkalas - MODUS VIDENDI - we are of the opinion that...
Crystal - Two Moms In A Blog - 13 Things I Have Learned As A Parent/Wife
Gtargirl - If Mom Had A Blog In 1942 - War Comes Home
JHSEsq. - Colloquium - Thirteen Reasons Why I Wish You Could Have Known My Father
Naomi - Diary from England - BRITISH FAMILY LIFE IN THE 21ST CENTURY
Michelle - Scribbit - Shark or Squid?
Linda - Are We There Yet? - "Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tonya - There Is A Season - Selflessness
Carla - Self Esteem Awareness Blog - Emotional Abuse and low self-esteem
Edith OSB - Monastic Musings - The Media-A Third Parent?
Maggie - Ramblings of Maggie - Dear Aunt Irma
JBruno - The Voltage Gate - The Mystery of the Red Panda, Ailurus fulgens
Jan - The Poodle And Dog Blog - Police Dog Mothers Tiger Cubs
Kerry - West Coast Women - Second Guessing Ourselves
Marsha - Family Adentures - Baby Elephant
Old Lady - Eclectic Tales - Grandmama's Muumuus
James - Points of Light - Convergence
Sheila - Alabama Kitchen Sink - Today Is A New Day
JAM - Least Significant Bits - Starting School
Dr. Richard P. Mungo - Teeth Care, Healthy Food and Dental Tourism - Saving Childhood Oral Health
Thank You to all who participated.
Registration is open now for our next event.A Strategic Alliance invites you to join our new link exchange program; it's all about mutual benefit. We're posting and adding new links tomorrow.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE?
Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
BLOG VILLAGE was established on May 23, 2006, currently with a membership of 259 Villager blogs.
I don't know if it will be possible, but I am going to try to read everyone's post tonight!!! I bettr get started...
Knowing you, you probably will read them all tonight!!
I'm going to try, but I won't make a promise ;)
Have FUN!!!!
Yeah, okay, that sounds like fun. I was going to read my murder mystery by demonic forces of the Nephilim Seed, but I'll attempt to read everyone's post instead. Here I go. Blog Village rules!!!!!
LOL! So Janey's putting the pressure on, eh Gatekeeper?? Reading about demonic forces vs Blog Village??? No Contest!! ROTFL
Well, I have to stop to go fix dinner! No matter how much fun this is, I can't send my two sons off to work on an empty stomach. I'll be back though...this is a lot of fun!! cybercelt is out there ahead of me. I have read 15 posts and only have 34 left to go...
I got a late start after sending out the email to everybody and posting about the Carnival on my blogs. At least I was smart enough to have the posts already in Draft stage ahead of time.
So you've counted them, Janey?? I'm waiting on a link from one that was accidentally left off. That will make an even 50!! I think that's wonderful.
Yes, I tend to do that! 49 is not a bad number either!! I'm back, how many was there left...oh, yeah 34...
Okay I tried to get through all the posts, however it is 12:55am on the west coast and to do justice to the remaining posts, I will continue tomorrow.
The ripple effects from this carnival are awesome. I still need to answer all BVC comments, work on links, write a post about my first BLOG VILLAGE Goes Gonzo Carnival experience, go back through the posts to catch other villagers comments, gather great ideas & links from the entered blogs!
I only got through to the Jewels post over on Almost Here. The sleeping Chihuahua in my arms, doesn't help! BTW, cybercelt did you get all the way through? And how about you Gatekeeper?
DB & Kilroy, thanks for a great Friday night getting to know my fellow BLOG VILLAGERS!!! I'll be back manana...
I'm still waiting on a good link to finish out the number 50 entry, but it should be fixed sometime today.
I wondered if you had enough time, Janey, but it was a valiant try!! I'm getting re-acquainted with some great blogs that I have been missing out on from the Village.
Don't forget to vote for the bloggers!!
I love this blog carnival, many wonderful posts here :)
I'm stretching out the carnival experience. So hard to believe I wouldn't join the crowd, eh. 8-) I'll be visiting and commenting into next week.
Has anyone checked out the announcement at For Your Success regarding the next carnival?
Hoping we'll have alot of Villagers back!
I agree, Stjernesol!! I've not read anywhere near all of them, but I've enjoyed every one I have seen.
I'm stretching out reading them all, too, Kilroy. I want to take the time to get re-acquainted with some bloggers that I haven't read lately, plus I'm voting for everyone who entered the Carnival. They deserve it!!
I hear what you are saying DB, I was unable to accomplish my goal, because I get side tracked on some of the blogs...and my brother came in last night!
Well...I made it! I finished reading the last post at 12:07am. That was a lot of fun...I still have follow up to do!! One thing that I thought was really GREAT...on the 24th my Google rank at Notes That Touch The Heart was 0/10. (kinda depressing) tonight it is 3/10!!!
(Not depressing anymore!!!!!!!)LOL
Congratulations, Janey Loree!! That's a lot of reading you've done in a relatively short period of time. I get side tracked, too, reading other posts from the same blogger.
Great news about the PR going up! That's what a Carnival is supposed to do for each of our Villagers who entered. I even have a PR of 3 just on that one post now. That's really amazing!!
Congratulations to you too, DB!
Thanks, Janey Loree! If anyone else notices their Page Rank go up after the Carnival, please let us know, OK?
You can check PR here.
8-) It couldn't make me any happier than to know people have gotten positive results.
Blog that, The Gonzo Blog Carnival series is a success!
And he laughed...
and laughed...
and laughed...
Kilroy Was Here!
Also, you can get your Google Page Rank toolbar at
There's a FireFox extension that puts the PR of every page you visit in your Status Bar at the bottom of the screen, too. I used to use it, but I lost it during an update.
Kilroy should be laughing. He's the one who made this all possible!!
Hey, Kilroy - do you ever draw the Kilroy picture?? My hubby will draw it on every whiteboard and chalkboard he finds. He loves that little fellow. LOL
For JHSEsq's entry, "Thirteen Reasons Why I Wish You Could Have Known My Father," is:
I fixed the link in the post for you, Janie. Thanks for the update!
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