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There's a lot of Mommy blogs out there (nothing wrong with that), but here's a unique view of family life through Dad's eyes. Honestly, I don't know what Eric's issues are - he sounds intact to me. My advice, visit his site; you'll learn a thing or two. Leave your own comments on the death of Brad Delp and talk about what St. Patrick's day means to you. Hope you enjoy the Village News with Eric.
Gatekeeper: Eric, would you share a little bit about yourself? You know, where are you from, what is, or are, your passions? What do you do for a living?
Eric: I'm a 40 year old stay at home dad, that makes me either the busiest or the laziest person in the house, I'm not sure yet. I grew up in Temple City, California. Not only the home of the Camellias, but the very first Winchells Donut shop, and the set for most all of the downtown scenes for the TV series "The Wonder years."
My love of music and creating music is the driving force in my life. My formal training is in Lutherie (stringed instrument building). For 20 years I've been involved in the music industry in one way or another. I worked for Taylor Guitars for 11 years, managing the mill and parts production. This job took me around the world looking for exotic woods that we could use in our production, most notably the "Liberty Tree Guitar." I'm currently designing an electric guitar here at the house.
Gatekeeper: Would you like to tell us how you met the love of your life? I thought the post about her birthday was adorable.
On a rainy day in 1979, our middle school combined the boys and girls PE classes to play war ball (dodge ball) in the gym. There, for the first time, I was introduced to a cute young lady. She was a singer, and dancer. For many years we had the same circle of friends. We started dating our junior year in high school.
After High school we went to the same JC. She took it seriously while I dropped out after 3 semesters to pursue the music thing without the background of a formal education. (Bad Choice on my part) After finishing her GE, she moved to San Diego to finish her degree in Biology. We spent weekends driving back and forth for two years. Finally I got a Job in San Diego in 1990. We were married in 1991, now we are the classic "Nuclear Family" with three kids, a dog and a cat.
Gatekeeper: I read about your involvement at your daughter's school. Has volunteer work become a very important part of your life? Tell us about the garden at your daughter's school, if you can.
Eric: Our twin daughters attend a Charter School. Part of the charter requires families to spend an hour a week at the school helping out. Last year I told the girls' kindergarten teacher that I would help out in her raised garden box. I planted carrots, tomatoes, and lettuce. At the end of the year the class had a potluck and I made a salad out of what the kids had grown in their garden. This year I was promoted (sentenced) to manage the entire garden for all grades.
(Use this link to get my take on volunteering)
That Which Is Worth Doing (part deux)
Bottom line… you can pour your life into a job, hobby or whatever, but if you have kids, I feel that they are the best investment. I'll be the first to tell you that I'm not the greatest father in the world, but I try my best.
Gatekeeper: Is music an important part of your life? How long have you been playing guitar? Have you written any original songs? Would you like to? Have you recorded anything? Something we might be able to showcase on Blog Village?
Eric: Music I would say is my most passionate outlet. I got involved with music in the 4th grade, when the high school kids came and demonstrated all the instruments in the band. At the end of it all we had the opportunity to sign up for one, so I did. I started playing the flute, much to the chagrin of my parents. Later on I picked up the saxophone.
No one else in my family has any musical ambitions. I went to work for a music store after school. It was there that I picked up the guitar, and the love of making musical instruments. Then at twenty years old I went to a trade school to learn the art of building guitars.
For the last ten years I've been playing guitar for our Saturday night church service. My love of music brought me from the last pew in the auditorium to the stage. For me, I would rather be up on stage playing worship, than sitting within the congregation. This is when I have my strongest connection to God, and I feel like I'm fulfilling my life's call.
As for my musical tastes, I'm a Rocker. I grew up listening to Jethro Tull (flute) Peter Frampton, Dire Straits, and Van Halen…blah blah blah. The 80's are my favorite decade for music.
I suffer (my wife actually is suffering) from: G.A.S.—Guitar Acquisition Syndrome. This is a disorder that causes me to think that I'll stop after my next guitar. Needless to say there is no cure for this ailment. So here's the inventory:
3 electric guitars
4 acoustic guitars
2 ukuleles
1 piano
1 harp
1 flute
I have written two instrumental pieces for guitar. One was recorded in 1990 for a Christmas album that my wife and I made as Christmas gifts for the family. We used a state of the art technology called the cassette tape.
Gatekeeper: Tell us about your blog—Eric Has Issues. Why did you start blogging? When did you start blogging?
Eric: My blog came about on a whim. I signed up in 2005 after a friend was promoting his blog. I created my own under "myname.blogspot.com." I actually made my first post in January of last year. I started off slow, it wasn't till April that I really got going on it. After seeing my therapist for a year or so she made this statement; "You have issues." And the new version was born. This also allowed me some anonymity.
I started it as a way to organize what I was thinking and feeling, set goals, and chronicle my life. This is basically a dad blog with genuine moments of greatness. I try not to be forceful on my opinions, but I do take a stand from time to time. From the stats, I get anywhere between 5 to 20 hits a day. Most are family and friends. I post about every other day.
Gatekeeper: How many blogs do you write and how often do you post? How many blogs do you enjoy reading or do you have time to read other blog authors?
Eric: I have just one blog that I maintain. I've been working on an online portfolio for my woodworking projects that I've made over the years. I'm interested in starting a blog with multiple contributors that would stand as a forum on current topics and without bashing. One of those "free market of ideas." Any takers?
I use bloglines to organize the blogs that I read. It allows me to subscribe to individual feeds, and lets me know when the blogs are updated. It's pretty convenient. Google reader does the same thing, but I prefer bloglines.
Blogs that I read regularly are:
Gatekeeper: When did you join Blog Village and how did you hear about the Village?
Eric: I signed up with the Village in early December. I ran across it by accident if I remember correctly. I'm not really a joiner, but I thought I'd give it a try. I don't have a large list of links nor am I a blogger that likes a lot of banners and fluff on my page. I'm trying to keep it simple.
Gatekeeper: Do you have any favorite Villagers you try to read a few times here and there?
Eric: Honestly, I've perused through the Blog Village listings only a few times. There is a lot of ground to cover, and I really don't have much time.
I've stopped off at:
It's kinda confusing right now
Gatekeeper: Which one would you like to see interviewed next?
Eric: I threw a dart, and this is who I hit: Anti Itch Meditation.