Sunday, December 30, 2007
Looking Back on 2007 and Forward to 2008
This has been a busy year for me, and from the looks of your blogs, it has been for you, too. I've made some changes here that I hope you have found helpful, such as adding the forum and chat, and expanding the Gateway page.
I have also tried to encourage more Villager interaction by requiring at least one HIT IN each month. All you need to do is click the voting link on your blog one time each month to remain an Active member of our community. And you can vote for any Villager's blog you like during the month, so they can stay on the TopList, too.
In an effort to make the list more useful, I have added a Search function to the TopList pages, and I have deleted several hundred bloggers who were not participating.
We have gone Carnival Crazy this year, thanks to several Villagers who are really into this great way of getting to know different bloggers. I'm looking for a Villager now who would like to host the Jan. 28 Carnival on MONEY, who has not hosted one of our BLOG VILLAGE Carnivals before. If you are interested, please let me know as soon as possible. And by all means, send in your post for this carnival. You will find the link to our BLOG VILLAGE sponsored Carnivals in the Blog Carnival widget on the Community News and the Gateway Page.
We haven't had any new Villager Interviews for quite awhile, as our folks have been so busy with other tasks, but if you would like to be interviewed, or like to be the interviewer, please let me know.
I look forward to 2008 and getting to spend time with each of you on your blogs. Now that I don't need to spend as much time being the voting link police, I expect to enjoy reading and commenting a lot more this year, and I encourage each of you to find some Villagers that you can get to know better, too.
May you all have a safe and enjoyable New Year's celebration,
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team. And now we have another Villager who has volunteered to join our Interview Team: Marsha!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
I Feel Like Grinch!!
I am sure that I have deleted some that I probably will regret losing, but they can apply again, if they really want to belong. Most of them are never even going to realize they are no longer a member, as they don't ever go to the TopList page, anyway.
I started to email each of them as I deleted them, but decided I did not have the time, energy, or desire to get into an argument with any of them.
So, for those of you who really participate, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. And for those that I am deleting? Bah Humbug!
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Freud Plays a Hand
Anyway, I still have my list of who was warned to vote for themselves or lose membership, so I will be deleting these blogs during this month, without warning, IF they do not have at least one HIT IN.
And, why, do you ask, am I so determined to get rid of these blogs that do not vote for themselves? There are two main reasons. One - it means they are probably not ever looking at the TopList, which means they will not be reading any other Villager's blogs. Two - it means I would have to keep checking on all these blogs each month to see if they still have the BLOG VILLAGE voting link on the site. And that's just too hard to manage with so many people to check on. I'd rather be spending my time READING and COMMENTING on fellow Villager's blogs - not being the "banner police"!!
So, again I remind you that you are required to vote for yourself ONE TIME Each MONTH to keep your membership in our Community. Vote for yourself FROM YOUR BLOG, and then go vote for those Villagers you would hate to see deleted. Seems easy enough to me.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
GONZO "Thank You" Carnival Dec. 10th
I'm doing good to find time to have one once a quarter, and I really don't have to do too much when another Villager hosts it!
But anyway, I know a lot of our Villagers have participated in quite of few of the GONZO Carnivals, so mosey on over to For Your Success, check out the rules, and send in an entry.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
So, it's looking like our Village is going to be losing well over half its members pretty soon, unless a lot of people get busy. I just don't understand why this has been such a problem.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Carnivals & BLOG VILLAGE
With that in mind, I'd like to lay down some guidelines for Carnivals hosted on BLOG VILLAGE member's blogs. But first, a quick review of the belief system that is the distinctive quality of our Village.
Overall and above all other considerations, our TopList must remain Family Friendly.
As I have said many times before, and will continue to emphasize, I never intended to be a censor of topics or language on anyone's blog. But, I do expect all Villagers to adhere to the policy of no objectionable language in large print, and no sexually explicit or inappropriate photos, unless the reader must intentionally link to it to see it. There should not be anything on any BLOG VILLAGE blog that "hits you in the face" with something you don't want to see when you open a Villager's blog.
So, how does that apply to Carnivals?
If you host anyone's carnival on your blog, please be sure that there is nothing on YOUR blog that would not follow our rules concerning language or photos. You should mark any carnival entries that do not meet the criteria of BLOG VILLAGE membership as Not Family Friendly, so that our Villagers can make an informed choice about viewing that entry.
Hopefully, these guidelines will help you enjoy carnivals that you host, or carnivals that you read, as members of BLOG VILLAGE.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Monday, November 05, 2007
I do send out emails from time to time, in an effort to make members aware of what they need to do to maintain membership in our Village, and to announce community activities, such as upcoming Carnivals and the new Forum and Chat. I hope I have not made a pest of myself ;).
It is very inconvenient for me, when I do need to contact a group of members with the same problem, if I have to email each one separately, because they have opted out of mass mailings. Right now there are about 50 members that I cannot reach with a mass mailing.
So, this morning, I sent an individual email to each of those Villagers who had opted out, asking them to please change that option, so they can receive the mass emails. If they decide that they do not want to be bothered with the mass emails at a later date, they can always opt out at that time. I am hoping that the vast majority of those who are currently opting out will understand my situation, and make the change in their preferences.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
BLOG VILLAGE Halloween Carnival is Coming HERE!!
Share your Halloween posts about your easiest homemade costumes, funniest Halloween ever, or best homemade treats. Tell us a good spooky story, or a tale of haunted houses --- you name it.
Or maybe you'd rather tell us about what your family does, rather than go trick or treating.
You don't celebrate Halloween?? Not a problem... Just share your favorite thoughts about Autumn ... Fall color, Fall traditions, Fall crafts, family reunions, harvest recipes, handmade gifts, etc.
Come join us at Advertising for Success for a Fantastic Fall Festival.
Submit HERE.
PS. Some of you have already submitted entries to the MONEY Carnival that was originally planned for this month. I still have your entries, but I have postponed that one until December. If you are interested in hosting it, please email me.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Monday, October 01, 2007
An Apology
I have been warning over a hundred bloggers for the last few months that they were about to be deleted from our TopList, if they did not show the minimum participation of at least voting for themselves once each month. My intention was to delete all but the newer members who did not have at least 1 HIT IN by the end of September.
It didn't work out that way, as I was in the ER yesterday, after a very scary, for me, Parkinson's weekend. They've added some more medicine for now, until I can get in to see my Neurologist, so I'm better. But, it meant I didn't feel like doing anything with the list. So, all of those old members who had been given their "last warning" have a one month reprieve. I will not be contacting them again, but I will wait until October 31 to delete those old members who still don't have a HIT IN.
New members are given a month to get the voting link in place and vote for themselves, and I write each of them, remind them, and offer help if they need it.
Thank you for your understanding,
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Stop Abuse!!
We would love for our Villagers to be very vocal on this important issue, whether your personal concern is child abuse, animal abuse, elder abuse, or any other form of abuse that is an issue to you!
On Thursday, September 27th, post about any abuse topic you care about - child abuse, domestic abuse, animal abuse, drug abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, political abuse - and let the world know you stand united with thousands of bloggers as part of the Bloggers Unite "Blog Against Abuse" campaign. Depending on your topic, you can even link to local, regional, national, or international organizations that you care about or support. Every post will count!
There are dozens of badges you can add to your post (or make your own): badges-for-blogging-against-abuse-place-them-on-your-blog
And there are several places where you are invited to add a link, like here: three-great-places-to-leave-your-post-link
As well as
You can e-mail your link to by Oct. 10 with any results (traffic, comments, etc.) By doing so, you will automatically be be entered in to win $250 for charity (from Copywrite, Ink.) six months of premium services (from BlogCatalog) and gain more recognition for your blog and the topic you post about. (More details can be found at
Copywrite, Ink.)
This is shaping up to be the biggest Bloggers Unite campaign in BlogCatalog history! Please join us on September 27th and blog against abuse. Every post will count!
Thanks, Jackie, for bringing this cause to our attention! I hope we have a lot of BLOG VILLAGERS participating.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Working on our BLOG VILLAGE Gateway Page
Jackie suggested that we start a Chat or Forum, where Villagers can talk about all things related to our blogs, and link to it here, as well. I haven't had time to work on that, but I haven't forgotten about it.
Once I can get the page fully developed, I will probably remove at least some of the extra content, such as carnival banners in between the Villager banners, from the TopList itself, and some of the announcements, too. So, you might want to bookmark the Gateway page, and use it to enter BLOG VILLAGE. That's what I had in mind, anyway.
PS Entering from your bookmarked Gateway page will give you a HIT IN.
Please let me know what you think, as I will consider any suggestions.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Monday, September 17, 2007
A Sad Ending for Some, but a New Beginning for Us
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Copy of Email to All Villagers Who Have Been Warned of the Sept. 15 Deadline
This is a copy of the email I sent out today to all the blogs that have the asterisk on their name on the TopList, just for your information.
The September 15th DEADLINE is almost here. I have emailed each of you, posted on the Community News, put warnings on the TopList itself, and done everything I could think of to warn you that you are about to be deleted from BLOG VILLAGE. Some of you have dormant blogs, with no new posts in a long time. Most of you have very active blogs, but you are not displaying the BLOG VILLAGE voting link on your blog.
After Sept. 15, I will be taking one last look at your blog. If I do not find current posts AND the BLOG VILLAGE voting banner or link, I will DELETE your blog from membership. You will not hear from me again.
If I do find current posts AND the voting link, I will vote for you myself this time, since any blog that does not have at least one vote FROM YOUR BLOG (HIT IN) by the end of September will also be deleted. You will need to continue to vote for yourself FROM YOUR BLOG each month to maintain Active Status on our Village.
I would love to find that you have decided to be an Active member, with current posts and the voting link displayed. I do, however, understand that some, if not all of you, did not realize that continued BLOG VILLAGE membership involved active participation. I hope we can part with good feelings, if you are one of the blogs I delete.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Trying to Find Ways to Make BLOG VILLAGE More Useful to YOU
Also, if you think this might be useful, or a waste of space and time, I'd appreciate your feedback. As I said, I'm just playing, and perfectly willing to delete it all and go back to the way it was. Or, continue to look for new Java scripts and such that will work.
For the time being, I've moved these changes to the Gateway page. That's what you see when you vote for a blog from the link on the blog. If you all like the portal idea, it would be simple enough to bookmark your link page, instead of the main TopList page. Or, I can move it back to the top or bottom of the main page. I'm completely open to suggestions on this one, as I'm just experimenting.
So, let me have it - positive or negative opinions welcomed!!
PS. You may have noticed that some of the Ratings have gone up on the Village. I am in the process of manually deleting ratings given by a certain person, whose IP has now been blocked. If you have one of these 0 or 1 ratings, without a comment to back it up, please let me know, and I will delete it for you.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Many Villagers have received an email warning that their blog would be deleted, if they did not make a new post or add the voting link to their blog. Those blogs are shown on the TopList with as asterisk at the beginning of their title. I have no desire to delete anyone, but I also have no desire to carry blogs who are not participating in our community. So, I have set a deadline of Sept. 15 before I delete any who have not complied.
If blogs you enjoy are in danger of being dropped from BLOG VILLAGE, please encourage your blog friends to fix the problem, vote for themselves this week, and once at the beginning of each month, and become an Active participant. And, of course, YOU can vote for any blog you like from the banner on their blog, too. It only takes ONE HIT IN to keep a blog showing on the Village.
Right now, all the blogs are showing to give these blogs in danger of being dropped extra time to fix their situation, but after Sept. 15, only those with a HIT IN will show.
I know some of you are getting dizzy with all the changes I seem to be making lately, but they are all done to accomplish one thing. And that is to get our Village down to a list of blogs who are genuinely interested in belonging and being involved. Those are the bloggers who will take the time to read and comment on what you have posted. Without participation, the others just don't belong here.
I do appreciate those expressions of thanks many of you have sent me, as this does take a good bit of my time. But I truly believe our Village is worth the effort, and I hope you agree.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Where Did Everybody Go???
You can, if you want to, SEARCH for any InActive member, as long as you know one of the words in the name of the blog, or a word in their description.
So if you are one of the Villagers who has not voted for themselves from the link on their blog - Go click on that link!! And if the link is not there, please put it there! You'll find the link code from the admin page of your blog, in the left hand column. Or, if you need help, email me.
And if you haven't posted anything new in a long time, either get busy and post something (and let me know you have posted), or let me know you want to be deleted.
I'm still working to make our TopList more of a community than a directory. This change in the quality of our membership is part of reaching that goal.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
All Villagers Are Invited to Enter the Latest Gonzo Carnival

11:59 PM TOMORROW, on August 27, 2007.
Round up your best post on blogs and blogging:
Some examples for topics:
- Why do you blog?
- What has been your best or worst blogging experience?
- What do you blog about and why?
- Share your 1st blog post?
- Share your 100th, 200th, 500th or 1000th blog post.
- Share your experiences with carnival hosting on your blog.
- . . . anything you want to share about blogging.

- One post per blog.
- Only English language posts will be accepted
- Family-safe content ONLY--no sexual or suggestive pictures, no profanity.
Name or Nickname shown on post:
Blog Title:
Blog URL:
Post Title:
Post URL:
Please submit complete URLs and check them to make sure they lead to the post you submit.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Broken Cup Publishes Her First Book of Poetry
In the meantime, I'm sure Jillbeth would appreciate you taking the time to take a peek at her new book, and maybe even write a review of the two sample poems shown on Lulu.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Something NEW! - BLOG VILLAGE Equine Webring
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In an attempt to connect with bloggers who have the same interests and give blog readers a way to connect to all of the Villagers on their favorite subject, an internal webring sounded like just the ticket! Thanks to our BLOG VILLAGE Host, Rosemary, aka Dirty Butter, the BV Webring Banners will be centralized on the BLOG VILLAGE News page.
Since horses are a huge part of my life, I decided to start with an Equine Webring. I was tickled to find out that we have so many blogs in the VILLAGE that share their knowledge, stories, pictures and interest in horses. So far, with the help of the new search system and Rosemary, I have compiled the following list of “Equine” related blogs:
Brave New World
MiKael's Mania - Arabian Horses
On the Shores of Carpenter Creek
Pony Tail Club
Equine Spirit
A Laughing Gypsy
Simply Marvelous
S. Nicholas Originals
There Is A Season
Mustang Diaries
Mustang ‘n’ Cowboys
I would appreciate you letting me know if you have an equine related blog or know of a blog that I have inadvertently left off of this list. It goes without saying that these blogs need to be a part of BLOG VILLAGE. As the owner of one of these blogs, please contact me to let me know that you want to be a part of the BLOG VILLAGE Equine Webring.
Janey Loree
Let's Get Creative!!
I will add the banner to the right sidebar, as soon as the Equine Webring is active.Create a banner, using the BLOG VILLAGE logo, as Janey did, write your invitation post, and email it to me, and I'll do what I can to help any Villager run their own Webring.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!
Dirty Butter
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I feel like celebrating, because now you can search for blogs by the words in their descriptions, as well as by name, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT SHOWING CURRENTLY ON THE LIST! Only blogs with at least one vote IN, from the voting link ON the blog, are showing at this time, while I weed out the inActive members. So, now you can find that favorite blog of yours, even if that person hasn't voted for themselves. Oh, and while you're on their site, how about voting FOR them, so their blog WILL show!?!
Now, here's why I'm so excited about this new feature. If you will take some time to think about what Categories your blog might fit in, you could add some keywords to your description, and more people of similar interests would be able to easily find you.
Here's a start on a list, but please add more via comments, as you think of them.
I just tried looking for all the blogs about horses, and up they popped!! I'm really excited about this, and I hope you take full advantage of it.
Speaking of horses, Janey Loree is in the process of putting together an Equine Webring for BLOG VILLAGERS, so if you would like to be included, by all means let her know. If someone wants to start a webring for some other group of Villagers, I'll be glad to post your banner and publicize yours, too.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
How to Be an ACTIVE Member of BLOG VILLAGE
Just so you will understand where I'm coming from, that word Village was chosen as part of our name for a very important reason. I did NOT want our TopList to become just another blog directory, but rather, a community of bloggers with similar ideas about what is appropriate for a Family Friendly blog, regardless of the topics discussed.
I am NOT going to put a limit of 500 members, but I AM going to set some criteria for continued membership.
I'm going to manually reset the list at the FIRST of AUGUST, so that it will reset at the beginning of each month.
I will, however, continue to RANK the list by HITS OUT, as it encourages interaction with the TopList itself. Ranking doesn't really seem to be that important to most of you, but the importance of community is a value that many of you share with me. Please continue to vote for blogs you appreciate and comment on the TopList about the blog, itself, as this is one of the ways you can encourage your fellow Villagers.
With a large membership, it will take me about 3 months to comfortably take a look at each blog. I will warn any member who has not posted in the last 3 months or who does not have the BLOG VILLAGE Banner or link prominently displayed. If the problem is not corrected within two weeks, I will delete that blog.
As always, if you see a post on any Villager's blog that you find objectionable, please email me as soon as possible, so I can deal with the situation as I see fit.
With your active participation, I am confident that we can maintain the community ethic no matter what size our VILLAGE is!
Looking forward to visiting each of you over the next few months.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Whether your idea of recreation is to sweat or meditate, travel or read, this carnival is bound to be one you have already posted about at some point, or one you could easily write just to enter our newest carnival.
Our own BLOG VILLAGER, Texas RV Travel Blog, is going to host this one on Monday, July 30th, so how about taking a little time to find that suitable post for this event. You must submit your entry to BlogCarnival by Midnight, Friday, July 27.
Help us promote the Carnival by using the banner on your own blog, if you like.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Her name is Lynda, and she teaches Pilates & Reiki as an American Ex-pat in the Turks & Caicos Islands. In her July 10, 2007 post on her blog, Pilates in Paradise, you will see that she enjoys blogging and is setting up several more blogs! She has a pet peeve concerning people that are unduly licensed to teach Pilates & Reiki and has made a couple of You Tube Videos available on her blog that explain Pilates & Reiki. To start off the interview I asked her to tell us who Lynda is and to share something about herself that she hasn't posted in her blog!
Lynda replied: “As a child & teen I was very interested in mysticism and spirituality. I studied Tarot, meditation, Ouija boards, astral travel, energy healing, etc. Then I went to college and got into western philosophy and went straight into a PhD program.
In traditional western philosophy the soul and anything mystical is completely frowned upon. Nobody believes in god, religion is silly and in a different department, and something like Reiki energy healing would be laughable. So I taught Pilates part time and just closed off my spiritual side.
When I left academia to open my first Pilates studio in 1995, I was suddenly inundated with alternative people, practices, ideas. And within a few years I was back to practicing Judaism, meditating, and exploring energy healing.
Now I've realized that contradiction is OK. As Schopenhauer explained many moons ago, faith is a leap we take knowing full well that we cannot logically explain everything. Sometimes when I teach Reiki I am struck by how silly some of it still sounds to me; yet it works and I cannot fault what works!”
To my question “What prompted you to start blogging in the first place?”, Lynda exclaimed, “I love to write and wanted to share some of my stories and knowledge with the entire world. Once I realized how easy it is to blog, it became a habit. Now I have readers from all over and my blog produces some income from advertising. I have considered splitting my blog into Pilates specific, Reiki specific, and expat specific sites, but people have told me that they like the variety in my posts so for now I am going to leave it as is.”
The next question should have been “When do you find time to blog?”, however I asked, “When do you find time to read other blogs?"
Lynda stated, “Not often enough! That's why I love places like Blog Village or Blog Her where there is a group of blogs that I like to read. I read other blogs throughout my day/week. Some don't update regularly so it's a quick pass through.
I find that Google alerts help. I receive blog alerts daily for Pilates, Reiki, Turks & Caicos and that connects me with blogs I never would see otherwise.”
When asked, “Where or through whom did you hear about BLOG VILLAGE?”, Lynda’s answer was, “One of the blogs I visited through a Google alert was Rosemary's (Day By Day with PD & PN), and I clicked through to join."
To continue the interview I wanted to know, “Why do you blog? Is your blog personal, business, therapeutic, or just plain fun?”
“All of the above! I have received writing & teaching offers from my blog. Advertisers like my blog. My clients read the blog, and I have gained clients from having a blog. Plus, I get to write and have fun, not knowing who will be reading!” was Lynda’s enthusiastic reply.
I was glad to hear that Lynda sometimes explores BLOG VILLAGE when I asked, “How many BLOG VILLAGE blogs do you read?”, because she said, “There are about 8 that I cycle through regularly. But sometimes I go in and just click different ones to see what's out there.”
The last question helps me with the answer to “Who do I pick for the next interview?” Lynda would like to recommend Eric of Erixgraphy, so he will be added to my list of BLOG VILLAGERS to get to know a little bit more!
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Is BLOG VILLAGE Big Enough??
Also, which way do you prefer the TopList to be Ranked??
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Monday, July 02, 2007
HITS OUT for Ranking - Like It of Not???
I'll leave it this way for awhile, but I'd really appreciate your feedback about this way of ranking. Do you like it or not??
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Janie keeps busy on her blog with memes for almost every day of the week: Sunday Scribblings, Monday Candle Moment, Wordless Wednesday, Thursday Thirteen, Friday’s Feast, and Photo Hunt (on Saturday’s). Her day of rest must be on Tuesday’s!!! Don’t forget to check out her other blogs, “Here’s looking at…me!” and “The Stockton Concert Band”. So without any further ado…I introduce you to Janie @ Colloquium…
Janey Loree ~ Who is Janie? Tell us something about Janie that you haven’t posted in your blog Colloquium!
JHS ~ I don’t come from a privileged background (my father was a car mechanic and my mother was homemaker) and couldn’t care less about money, wealth or the social status those things bring. I just want to have enough to live comfortably. After obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting, I realized I could not spend the rest of my life looking at balance sheets, ledgers, tax returns, etc. because I just couldn’t make myself care about any of it. I needed to earn my daily bread doing something that required a more meaningful investment of my entire self. So I continued on to law school. There, once I took my first civil rights course, that was it. I knew I had found my niche.
Janey Loree ~ What prompted you to start blogging in the first place?
JHS ~ I was moved to start blogging during the final days of Terri Schindler-Schiavo’s life because I was so distraught about the fact that her parents’ legal appeals all proved futile.
For six years, I litigated Conservatorship of Wendland all the way to a victory before the California Supreme Court. I am among a select group of attorneys who understand the stress of handling a high-profile, high-stakes case over a protracted period of time.
The cost for all involved was enormous. In my case, it impacted my physical health, but also changed me in many other ways. I wanted to share my experiences by telling the cautionary tale in order to encourage everyone to make end-of-life decisions while they are capable of doing so and communicate their wishes to their friends and family orally and in writing. A battle about how to proceed in the face of incapacitating illness or injury is devastating to family, friends, caregivers, attorneys, guardians, judges, justices. As noted, I, along with everyone else involved in the Wendland case, am living proof that no one comes out of the battle unscathed.
A lot of people told me I should write a book. I prefer to blog about it . . . which I am doing gradually. It’s too overwhelming to try to write about all of it at once and more than five years later, I’m still processing my thoughts and feelings about that momentous battle.
From there, the blog evolved into a discussion of all sorts of topics, some very serious and some more light-hearted.
In January, I also became a featured weekly writer for Write Stuff. Between the two endeavors, I’m having a great time and learning a lot about writing and myself.
Janey Loree ~ When do you find time to read other blogs?
JHS ~ Late at night and on weekends. I can lose a lot of hours following links . . . I’m sure your readers can all relate!
Janey Loree ~ Where did you hear about BLOG VILLAGE?
JHS ~ I clicked on the link that I found on another blog . . . don’t remember which one, though.
Janey Loree ~ Why did you name your blog “Colloquium”? Is your blog personal, business, therapeutic, or just plain fun?
JHS ~ The word has several meanings, but this one is the reason I picked the name: “An informal meeting for the exchange of views.” That’s what I hope this blog is: A place where people feel comfortable dropping by, reading my ramblings, and sharing a thought, feeling, opinion or viewpoint.
Janey Loree ~ How many BLOG VILLAGE blogs are you linked to?
JHS ~ Oh, gosh . . . I don’t know! Where do I find this information?
Janey Loree ~ If you join sites like “Technorati” or “” and add the appropriate HTML coding, you can keep an eye on who links to your blogs. I am sure that other VILLAGERS can give you pointers on this as well…such as Jim over at “Tips For New Bloggers”.
Janey Loree ~ Bonus Question: Of those BV blogs that you are linked to, which BLOG VILLAGER would you recommend for the next interview?
JHS ~ I enjoy Scribbit.
But there are so many wonderful blogs listed . . .
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Hits IN ---- Hits OUT
Incoming hits are how many visitors a site has sent to your top list using their link code. Outgoing hits are how many visitors your top list has sent to the site.I've been rather discouraged that I haven't been able to interest our Villagers in voting for each other, but I must admit that finally understanding HITS OUT makes me feel a little bit better about BLOG VILLAGE and my goals for our Village. I checked to see just what our statistics are at the moment, and I'm feeling better.
Out of the 364 members who are currently showing on the blog, only 98 have a vote, since the reset on May 9. That's very discouraging, as I thought for sure that putting all the blogs back on with the new SEARCH box would encourage more participation.
But then I got to wondering about how many blogs were being clicked on from our toplist, whether they got votes or not, and that made me feel a WHOLE lot better! Out of those same 364 members, there are 320 that have been viewed by someone who found them on BLOG VILLAGE!!! That's what the Hits Out number means, and that's impressive. People may not be taking the time to vote, but they are taking the time to read, and that's what really counts, isn't it??
May 23 will be our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. In that time, we have had a total of 512 Villagers, many of whom I have deleted for not keeping the BLOG VILLAGE voting banner on their blogs. Only a handful have been asked to take the banner off, because of their unwillingness to edit posts or pictures that were not appropriate for our community.
We have actually grown to be one of the larger toplists on gotop100, which speaks well of all of you, as other bloggers are constantly asking to join. In fact, I have 6 blogs waiting for me to look at them right now. So, I guess I'd better quit rambling and get busy checking them out, right??
I've met a lot of interesting people, become good blog friends with some of you, and enjoyed reading about a lot of places and lives that I would never have know about otherwise. All in all, I think it's been a good year, and the number of Hits Out makes me feel like my efforts have born some good fruit. I hope you feel the same way.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Who Is Naomi?? Read about Our FEATURED VILLAGER
Naomi ~ “I’m a British born secretary and aspiring writer, currently working on my first book. I have lived in England all my life. My hobbies include writing, travel and dancing. Diary from England is an online journal covering the latest news, updates and information on life in England. A wide range of diverse and interesting topics are covered to attract a wide readership. I also have useful information and links on my blog for anyone planning to visit England in the future. I only set up my blog in January last year but I have already attracted a lot of interest. Some readers are people who hail from England originally and like to read news from their homeland. Others are just curious to hear what goes on in another country of the world apart from their own! A lot of people have e-mailed me to say how much they enjoy their visits to Diary From England, which is great. After losing my dad to cancer, I have also recently set up a charity initiative so that anybody who enjoys their visit to Diary from England can show their appreciation by making a donation to a cancer charity. It could save a life.”
Janey Loree ~ “What prompted you to start blogging in the first place?”
Naomi ~ “I saw a few blogs when I was surfing and thought it would be good to start one myself. I thought it would be good to have a little space on the worldwide web and somewhere to practise my writing skills. I always think life is for living and I always try to live my life to the full and enjoy every day. I enjoy meeting new people and trying new things. Setting up my blog, "Diary from England" was a challenge and a whole new adventure for me. Its been a lot of fun and I'm learning new things every day. I'm also building up a good readership of many people from all over the world which is great!”
Janey Loree ~ “When do you do your blog reading?”
Naomi ~ “I don’t have that much spare time as I hold down a full-time job and am working on a book as well! But when I do, (usually at weekends), I do most of my blog reading at Blog Village. It’s a great community of good quality blogs covering a wide variety of topics.”
Janey Loree ~ “Where did you hear about BLOG VILLAGE?”
Naomi ~ “I saw the Blog Village banner on a number of blogs I looked at, so I went over to have a look and decided to join myself. I really enjoy being a member of Blog Village. It’s a nice community of friendly people over there. I have made a few cyberfriends whilst being a member.”
Janey Loree ~ “Why do you blog? Is your blog personal, business, etc?”
Naomi ~ “My blog is personal. I use it as my little soapbox on all the latest happenings in England! I’ve always loved writing and I’m in my element when I’m writing posts for my blog. Writing on my blog gives me a real buzz. I find it very relaxing and a good way to unwind after a busy day at work.”
Janey Loree ~ “How often do you post and how many blogs do you maintain?”
Naomi ~ “I try to post two or three times a week and just maintain the one blog:- Come over and visit me soon! Thanks for taking the time and trouble to interview me Janey.”
You are most welcome Naomi. Since I first interviewed Naomi, (back in January) I have developed a cyber friendship with her. Her blog is filled with great posts about health issues, the Queen, the English Bobby, English news as well as taking the time to post a couple of articles that helped me out with research for a couple of our paperdolls! I am even more partial to Diary From England now that Naomi is our International Correspondent from England!! Drop by and tell her that you read her interview on the BLOG VILLAGE News!!!
If you would like to be interviewed email me at Keep in mind that there are several interviews ahead of you so your interview will not be posted right away. At this point in time, look forward to interviews from Janie over at Colloquium, Lynda at Pilates & Reiki in Paradise, Granimore at Funeralis, and Bill at Recovery Addiction Basics.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Presenting Our First Annual HEALTH Carnival!!
NAOMI presents
Diary From England
Greenearth presents
Green Makeup posted at
A New Green Earth
CyberCelt presents
Stop the Violence Against Women of the World posted at
Texas RV Travel Blog saying, "Health begins with living without fear."
CyberCelt presents
Looking for Help for a Friend? posted at
CoolAdzine for Marketers
Jackie Ford presents
Pep up your life with Ginger posted at
The Vegan Diet, saying, "I feel that a Vegan diet is good for your health. If you don't want to go to that extreme you need to at least add meat free days into your life, to cut down on cholesterol plus the added benefit of helping the planet."
Leslie Feldman presents
Autism Prevention posted at
Autism Prevention, saying, "A paper about all the studies linking advancing paternal age over 33 and autism prior to the Kaiser Study on Maternal and Paternal Age in Autism published April 4, 2007."
Christopher Depelteau presents
SilverHawk™ Plaque Excision System posted at
Lynda Lippin presents
Pilates--Fit to the Core! posted at
Pilates & Reiki In Paradise Blog
Anthony presents
The Lives and Times... of Anthony McCune: They Call It Customer Service At The Health Plan posted at
The Lives and Times... of Anthony McCune
I would like to thank all of you who chose to participate in this quarter's carnival.
Submit your blog article to the 3rd Quarter RECREATION Edition of a blog village carnival using our carnival submission form in the white box in the side bar.
Past posts and future hosts can be found there on our
blog carnival index page.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Join Us at the Village for Our First Annual HEALTH Carnival
The THEME for this Quarter's BLOG VILLAGE Carnival is
"All about HEALTH"
Are you a Care Giver? Do you have health problems you deal with on a regular basis? Just felt puny and blogged about it? Have the kids been sick? Maybe you blog about a more healthy life style, controversial issues like abortion, or the latest health news. Whether your post is to inform, vent, whine, poke fun, or whatever, if it has to do with Health, we're looking forward to reading what you have to say!!
DEADLINE April 26 midnight
Will be online here on BLOG VILLAGE News on April 30th.
1. Blog MUST belong EITHER to a BLOG VILLAGE member OR link directly TO a BLOG VILLAGE Blog.
2. Only 1 entry per blog.
3. Only English language posts will be accepted.
4. No posts with titles, or with pictures, containing profanity, or of a sexual or suggestive nature, will be accepted.
5. Choose MEMBER or GUEST from the Categories, and put the required information in the REMARKS.
GUESTS of Villagers must submit the URL of the BLOG VILLAGE blog they are linked TO for your entry to be eligible for consideration.
VILLAGERS need to enter their MEMBER NUMBER in the REMARKS.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
New GONZO Carnival Hosted on SaveSaveSave

Online NOW!
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
New GONZO Carnival Hosted on SaveSaveSave

Online NOW!
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
End of One Journey - The Beginning of Another
Thank you for all your prayers and concern for us.
Friday, March 16, 2007
ERIC Has Issues? Find out about our Newest FEATURED BLOG VILLAGER
There's a lot of Mommy blogs out there (nothing wrong with that), but here's a unique view of family life through Dad's eyes. Honestly, I don't know what Eric's issues are - he sounds intact to me. My advice, visit his site; you'll learn a thing or two. Leave your own comments on the death of Brad Delp and talk about what St. Patrick's day means to you. Hope you enjoy the Village News with Eric.
Gatekeeper: Eric, would you share a little bit about yourself? You know, where are you from, what is, or are, your passions? What do you do for a living?
Eric: I'm a 40 year old stay at home dad, that makes me either the busiest or the laziest person in the house, I'm not sure yet. I grew up in Temple City, California. Not only the home of the Camellias, but the very first Winchells Donut shop, and the set for most all of the downtown scenes for the TV series "The Wonder years."
My love of music and creating music is the driving force in my life. My formal training is in Lutherie (stringed instrument building). For 20 years I've been involved in the music industry in one way or another. I worked for Taylor Guitars for 11 years, managing the mill and parts production. This job took me around the world looking for exotic woods that we could use in our production, most notably the "Liberty Tree Guitar." I'm currently designing an electric guitar here at the house.
Gatekeeper: Would you like to tell us how you met the love of your life? I thought the post about her birthday was adorable.
On a rainy day in 1979, our middle school combined the boys and girls PE classes to play war ball (dodge ball) in the gym. There, for the first time, I was introduced to a cute young lady. She was a singer, and dancer. For many years we had the same circle of friends. We started dating our junior year in high school.
After High school we went to the same JC. She took it seriously while I dropped out after 3 semesters to pursue the music thing without the background of a formal education. (Bad Choice on my part) After finishing her GE, she moved to San Diego to finish her degree in Biology. We spent weekends driving back and forth for two years. Finally I got a Job in San Diego in 1990. We were married in 1991, now we are the classic "Nuclear Family" with three kids, a dog and a cat.
Gatekeeper: I read about your involvement at your daughter's school. Has volunteer work become a very important part of your life? Tell us about the garden at your daughter's school, if you can.
Eric: Our twin daughters attend a Charter School. Part of the charter requires families to spend an hour a week at the school helping out. Last year I told the girls' kindergarten teacher that I would help out in her raised garden box. I planted carrots, tomatoes, and lettuce. At the end of the year the class had a potluck and I made a salad out of what the kids had grown in their garden. This year I was promoted (sentenced) to manage the entire garden for all grades.
(Use this link to get my take on volunteering)
That Which Is Worth Doing (part deux)
Bottom line… you can pour your life into a job, hobby or whatever, but if you have kids, I feel that they are the best investment. I'll be the first to tell you that I'm not the greatest father in the world, but I try my best.
Gatekeeper: Is music an important part of your life? How long have you been playing guitar? Have you written any original songs? Would you like to? Have you recorded anything? Something we might be able to showcase on Blog Village?
Eric: Music I would say is my most passionate outlet. I got involved with music in the 4th grade, when the high school kids came and demonstrated all the instruments in the band. At the end of it all we had the opportunity to sign up for one, so I did. I started playing the flute, much to the chagrin of my parents. Later on I picked up the saxophone.
No one else in my family has any musical ambitions. I went to work for a music store after school. It was there that I picked up the guitar, and the love of making musical instruments. Then at twenty years old I went to a trade school to learn the art of building guitars.
For the last ten years I've been playing guitar for our Saturday night church service. My love of music brought me from the last pew in the auditorium to the stage. For me, I would rather be up on stage playing worship, than sitting within the congregation. This is when I have my strongest connection to God, and I feel like I'm fulfilling my life's call.
As for my musical tastes, I'm a Rocker. I grew up listening to Jethro Tull (flute) Peter Frampton, Dire Straits, and Van Halen…blah blah blah. The 80's are my favorite decade for music.
I suffer (my wife actually is suffering) from: G.A.S.—Guitar Acquisition Syndrome. This is a disorder that causes me to think that I'll stop after my next guitar. Needless to say there is no cure for this ailment. So here's the inventory:
3 electric guitars
4 acoustic guitars
2 ukuleles
1 piano
1 harp
1 flute
I have written two instrumental pieces for guitar. One was recorded in 1990 for a Christmas album that my wife and I made as Christmas gifts for the family. We used a state of the art technology called the cassette tape.
Gatekeeper: Tell us about your blog—Eric Has Issues. Why did you start blogging? When did you start blogging?
Eric: My blog came about on a whim. I signed up in 2005 after a friend was promoting his blog. I created my own under "" I actually made my first post in January of last year. I started off slow, it wasn't till April that I really got going on it. After seeing my therapist for a year or so she made this statement; "You have issues." And the new version was born. This also allowed me some anonymity.
I started it as a way to organize what I was thinking and feeling, set goals, and chronicle my life. This is basically a dad blog with genuine moments of greatness. I try not to be forceful on my opinions, but I do take a stand from time to time. From the stats, I get anywhere between 5 to 20 hits a day. Most are family and friends. I post about every other day.
Gatekeeper: How many blogs do you write and how often do you post? How many blogs do you enjoy reading or do you have time to read other blog authors?
Eric: I have just one blog that I maintain. I've been working on an online portfolio for my woodworking projects that I've made over the years. I'm interested in starting a blog with multiple contributors that would stand as a forum on current topics and without bashing. One of those "free market of ideas." Any takers?
I use bloglines to organize the blogs that I read. It allows me to subscribe to individual feeds, and lets me know when the blogs are updated. It's pretty convenient. Google reader does the same thing, but I prefer bloglines.
Blogs that I read regularly are:
Gatekeeper: When did you join Blog Village and how did you hear about the Village?
Eric: I signed up with the Village in early December. I ran across it by accident if I remember correctly. I'm not really a joiner, but I thought I'd give it a try. I don't have a large list of links nor am I a blogger that likes a lot of banners and fluff on my page. I'm trying to keep it simple.
Gatekeeper: Do you have any favorite Villagers you try to read a few times here and there?
Eric: Honestly, I've perused through the Blog Village listings only a few times. There is a lot of ground to cover, and I really don't have much time.
I've stopped off at:
It's kinda confusing right now
Gatekeeper: Which one would you like to see interviewed next?
Eric: I threw a dart, and this is who I hit: Anti Itch Meditation.
So, what do you think? DOES Eric have issues???
Monday, March 12, 2007
When I reset everyone to zero Saturday night, no one showed on the list until they had a vote from their own blog banner or text link.
The gotop100 servers cycle through all the members for all the toplists they have, and that takes some time. That means that you will not instantly see your vote "count." Until the server recycles, which is usually every 30 minutes, even though you or someone else voted for your blog, IT WILL NOT SHOW ON THE LIST. Once you have ONE VOTE showing, your blog will show on the list until the monthly reset. Then the list will go blank again, until someone votes.
If you vote for yourself, and your blog is still not showing on BLOG VILLAGE after waiting an hour, by all means email me, as something is wrong, and hopefully, I can fix it or tell you how to fix it.
The fact that so many of you are writing me, asking for help understanding why your blog isn't showing, is a good thing (although frustrating for both of us). It means you CARE!!!
I'm trying this new method because so many of our almost 300 members aren't keeping their blogs active or with a good voting link. There have been way too many blogs whose only vote all month long was MINE, when I've been doing the monthly check in! And, there have been as many as 25 or so each month that I end up emailing repeatedly, trying to get them to put the voting link back up after template changes, etc.
Please be patient while we all get used to this different way of displaying your TopList entry each month. In the long run, I hope it makes for a smaller, but more active and useful list, with fewer "dud" blogs to wade through to find the "good stuff!"
Doing my best,
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
NOTICE!! **********NEW Reset Procedure STARTS TONIGHT!!
We are very close to a membership of 300 now, and real life has cut into my time for blogging considerably lately. I have decided to change the way our TopList is set up, so that only those members who have at least 1 vote will show up at all. That means each month you will need to assure yourself a place on the list by voting for yourself from the link on your own blog. The gotop100 server cycles through the votes in about 30 minutes, so you may not see your blog appear in the list immediately. If you vote, and your votes does not show up within an hour, it may mean that there is something wrong with your link, or it may be a server problem I have no control over. Please email me if you cannot get your link to work, and I'll see if I can figure out what the problem is.
I have my blogs listed with some directories, etc., that I have never visited again, once I had them set up. BLOG VILLAGE was never intended to be that kind of place. I chose the name very carefully, to convey the feeling of friendship and caring for each other that I have tried to make a part of our community. So it seems reasonable that the Villagers who are interested enough in our Community to vote for themselves once a month should be the Villagers whose blogs are listed. Of course, we hope you get lots of votes from lots of other visitors, as well! But to get your banner or name on the list, you will now need to vote once for yourself.
This change in procedure will have several positive results, I think, and no negative ones that I'm aware of. It will free my blogging time to more productive tasks, such as reading and commenting, instead of "policing." It will cut the size of the TopList, so that the active blogs will be those people see. And it should encourage new members to add the voting link quicker, cutting down on the number of emails I have to write to individual members.
I am always open to suggestions about the way BLOG VILLAGE is run, but ultimately, the decision is up to me as to how to proceed. I will evaluate this change to the reset system for awhile and will let you know if I decide to make further changes.
Hoping this change will be a positive step forward for all our Villagers,
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Let's Help RUTH Find GREG MOORE!!
Replace each * with <
Change the font, etc., to match your blog
*!-- SEARCH begin -->
*a href="" target="_blank">
*img src="" border="0" width="468" height="60" >
*font ="comic sans" size="3">(Click the Banner for the Story Behind the Search)
*!-- SEARCH end -->
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Sirius Business! WHEELIE CATHOLIC on the RADIO!!
Knowing her, it will be funny and informative, and she will probably challenge everyone to see the abilities, not disabilities, of those who are physically, mentally, or emotionally challenged in some way.
Go Gett'm Ruth!!
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I am a soon-to-be 56 year old woman who has had many life experiences, and who wants to share what I’ve learned as a result of these life-changing events.
I am twice-divorced; now living with my life-partner, Graham. Two dogs, Lucky and Nate, own us. I have lost a daughter; I am a recovering Alcoholic, still dry for many years. I am a mother and a grandmother, soon to welcome my second grandchild into the world.
As I learn, once more, to adapt to a different way of life, I use the Shamanistic and Reiki skills I have learned on a constant basis. I will always be amazed at how much easier life becomes, how well I can figure myself out, using these tools.
Graham is a Karuna Reiki Master Teacher and I hold Level 2 certification. I absorb the energies that fly around me so intensely, both negative and positive, that I had to learn how to protect myself. That is when I met Shaman Maggie Wahls, who opened the doors to an intensely spiritual time.
My awareness of ordinary, everyday occurrences became so acute; I wanted to write specifically about it. My life has become an amazing journey of miracles. It seemed right to share it.
And I wanted to be a storyteller. I have written all my life, primarily for myself…writing words that described the events of my life, horrible, sad words. It was the right time, suddenly, to turn those despairing words around to a more positive tone, to dissect and learn.
I wanted to reach people, to share hope in the everyday. Although I have sent some essays, etc. to various magazines, I have not seriously pursued this avenue. I treasure the rejection letters; seems they all, in handwritten words, love my writing…but what could they do with it? It doesn’t seem to fit in well, for magazine formats. LOL
Blogging seemed the natural choice for me. I am very at home on the Internet, having taken various different courses and having a natural bent towards research. I also wanted to learn to write consistently, with discipline. And I wanted to explore the world of photography.
My blog reading is done mainly in the morning, with some afternoon surfing. I try and find new blogs (to me) with the same interests I have, and try and extend my audience that way, as well as contacting and getting to know some wonderful people! And, no matter how busy life gets, I try and keep up with the great friends I have already made, just by blogging. I have huge gratitude for their support.
When I first started blogging, I knew nothing about it. Nothing. It took awhile to even understand how to publish, how to load photos, how to…the list goes on. I didn’t know about comments, etc., I didn’t know there were groups you could join. And then, one day, I heard Blog Village mentioned... I think it may even have been the Google help group, lol, a group I have had many occasions to visit!
My blog is a personal one. After all those rejections from editors, after all their suggestions to change my writing to more acceptable topics, I decided I was going to write what the muse wanted to. And so I did.
I only maintain one blog. I have others; they are still in the starting phases, where they will probably remain. I admire the people who have more than one blog; I just do not have time.
I usually try to post two or three times a week; it is a release and an outlet for my creativity. My writing is not for everyone; I wouldn’t expect it to be. But I try and project peace and serenity, I try and work out the happenings around me. I try and share any wisdom I may have learned, or am learning.
The sites on Blog Village are always entertaining. In my opinion, it is a great collection of different viewpoints; my site feels at home here. I enjoy it every day.
Now I get to pick another Blog Villager ... ta daaaa! I would love to hear about Tea, from Tea and Margaritas in my Garden!
All you need to do is read one of Marion posts to see her passion for life, to see how deeply she feels about the world around her. She has a unique way of writing and expressing life as she sees it. Read her Valentine’s Day post “Fury” to see what I mean and stop by to wish her a Happy Birthday. Her birthday is in February sometime! ~ Janey Loree
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.
Carnivals! Carnivals! Take Your Pick OR Enter Them ALL!!!
I'm trying to keep up with all of them and put a banner on the side bar, but you're all way ahead of me LOL.
You'll find TWO GONZO Carnivals to enter, a Poetry Carnival, and a Photography Carnival, hosted by James, one of our Villager photographers, on his Points of Light blog.
Another one of our Villagers, Local Girl, at her An Island Life blog, has a new Carnival EVERY WEEK! She's accepting entries for edition number 42 of The Carnival of Life, I think! Whew!!!
I'm not that ambitious, I fear. I figure with all the members being involved in carnivals, once a quarter is enough for me to sponsor or host. But I certainly admire those Villagers with the stamina to do this over and over and over .....
Now, get busy and follow those sidebar links, and get involved. Why, you might have so much fun you decide to have a carnival, yourself.
And, just in case you're having so much fun entering, reading, and commenting, that you've forgotten everything else, let me make a quick reminder that all this carnival doin's is great for your page rank. And why, you say, do you care about page rank? More visitors, more readers, better PPP offers, more sales ... well, you get the idea.
Interested in joining BLOG VILLAGE? Start HERE.
If you are interested in being the Featured Villager on our BLOG VILLAGE News blog, please contact Janey Loree, Kilroy, or the Gatekeeper, the members of our Village Interview Team.